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From Peer to Manager: Skills for New Managers Masterclass
Welcome, Introduction, and First Steps
1.1 Introduction_Peer to Manager (1:50)
1.2 Manager Vs Leader_Peer to Manager (4:22)
1.3 Transitioning from Individual Contributor to Manager_Peer to Manager (7:05)
1.4 Defining a Successful Manager_Peer to Manager (2:51)
1.5 Common Pitfalls of New Managers_Peer to Manager (3:34)
Developing Your Leadership Style
2.1 Developing Your Leadership Style_Peer to Manager (3:54)
2.2 Finding a Mentor_Peer to Manager (1:43)
2.3 Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations_Peer to Manager (3:13)
2.4 Leadership Skills_Peer to Manager (1:25)
2.5 Cultivating Relationships_Peer to Manager (1:57)
2.6 Earn Trust and Credibility_Peer to Manager (4:20)
2.7 Values_Peer to Manager (2:04)
2.8 Your Growth and Development (3:04)
Leadership Responsibilities
3.1 Leadership Responsibilities_Peer to Manager (4:04)
3.2 Understanding Personalities_Peer to Manager (7:25)
3.3 Emotional Intelligence_Peer to Manager (2:54)
3.4 Team Growth and Development_Peer to Manager (1:00)
3.5 Leave Your Ego At Home_Peer to Manager (3:51)
3.6 Accountability and Responsibility_Peer to Manager (2:51)
3.7 Communication_Peer to Manager (2:15)
3.8 Time Management_Peer to Manager (4:05)
3.9 Activity Log_Peer to Manager (3:07)
3.10 To-Do List_Peer to Manager (5:36)
3.11 Interruptions_Peer to Manager
3.12 Procrastination_Peer to Manager (3:44)
3.13 Decision Making_Peer to Manager (2:14)
3.14 Presentation Skills_Peer to Manager (6:44)
3.15 SWOT Analysis_Peer to Manager (3:47)
Leadership Communication
4.1 Leadership Communication_Peer to Manager (2:47)
4.2 Telephone Communication_Peer to Manager (2:35)
4.3 Remote Team Members_Peer to Manager (2:10)
4.4 Email Communication_Peer to Manager (4:46)
4.5 Facilitating Meetings_Peer to Manager (4:14)
4.6 Problem Solving_Peer to Manager (3:07)
4.7 Critical Thinking_Peer to Manager (2:22)
Team Development
5.1 Team Development_Peer to Manager (5:08)
5.2 Active Listening_Peer to Manager (5:20)
5.3 Manage by Walking Around_Peer to Manager (1:28)
5.4 Attitude_Peer to Manager (2:46)
5.5 Motivate_Peer to Manager (4:08)
5.6 Your HR Team_Peer to Manager (1:50)
5.7 Recruiting and Hiring_Peer to Manager (1:54)
5.8 Behavioral Interviewing_Peer to Manager (8:08)
5.9 One on One Meetings_Peer to Manager (9:11)
5.10 Goal Setting_SMART_Peer to Manager (4:46)
5.11 Performance Reviews_Peer to Manager (6:42)
5.12 Coaching and Mentoring_Peer to Manager (5:17)
5.13 A Learning Culture_Peer to Manager (2:37)
Your Growth and Development
6.0 Your Growth and Development_Peer to Manager (3:23)
Managers Toolkit
7.0 Managers Toolkit_Peer to Manager (0:14)
Exercise 1.4 a
Exercise 2.1 a
Exercise 3.15 a
Exercise 5.8 a
Exercise 6.0 a
8.0 Thank You_Peer to Manager (1:07)
Teach online with
3.4 Team Growth and Development_Peer to Manager
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